Family Shoot

Dad kneeling in the foreground with his son on his shoulders. Mom is standing behind them holding the boy.


  • Maximum 8 people per shoot
  • All participants must be able to sit unaided
Dad lying on his front with hi son on his shoulder. Mom is sitting to the side of them
Mom, Dad and two Sons lying on their front. All are dressed in white against a whit background. The image is reflected in the floor.
Black and white shot of dad kneeling in the foreground with his daughter on his shoulders. Mom is standing behind them holding the little girl.
Dad kneeling in the foreground with his daughter on his shoulders. Mom is standing behind them holding the girl.
Mother and daughter headshot with both looking at the camera. Daughter is leaning on mothers shoulder.
Black and white image of a little boy sitting crossed-legged. His mom is lying on her front embracing him. They are looking at each other smiling.

Making memories

"I absolutely love Jess, I would recommend her to the end of the earth. She never fails to amaze me with how beautiful her pictures are. Jess stayed up till 1am to get my little boys pictures edited in time for his birthday. She goes above and beyond"
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